Build a large-scale nationwide media experiment to strategically shift the national narrative around the climate crisis and energy transition
Finished project
Finished project
Build a large-scale nationwide media experiment to strategically shift the national narrative around the climate crisis and energy transition
Finished project
Creating alternative ownership models for permanently affordable workspaces for artists & affordable housing in Brussels
Finished project
Co-creating hybrid artistic and sports forms that connect, empower and activate the local community.
We’re still buzzing with excitement from our Shift Culture! Artivism & Campaign Design workshop last Friday at @werkstatt_hds! An incredible group of people came together and were super energized to co-create culture change through art ✊🔥 A huge thank you to our Dream Team, @cleobarnett from @amplifierart and Guerrilla Foundation’s Ivan March – for being so inspiring and creating a beautiful, brave space for magic to happen ✨🌈
This is just the beginning! Stay tuned for more collective action happening soon 💪🌏
#urbanchange #actorsofurbanchange #urbanism #placemaking #citiesforpeople #citymakers #changemakers #greencities #citychangers #wemakethecity #sustainablecities #stadtfueralle #righttothecity #cocreation #cities #activecitizens #activecitizenship #citytoolbox #artivism #activism #guerrillaart #berlinart #berlin #urbanart #guerrillafoundation#amplifier#ampliferart