Illustration: Kati Szilágyi


How to turn #foodwaste into (social) energy in a super dense urban environment? Exploring new ways of consuming and producing in London’s East during a last supper with @rurban_poplar_london, @poplar.harca, @publicworks_uk and #quantumwaste at their anaerobic digester in the midst of #Poplar.
Thanks to #TeamLondon for hosting our Actors and to @publicworks_uk for the awesome pictures!
#actorsonthemove #circulareconomy #urbanchange #wastereduction #urbanintervention #London #citymakers

It’s been a busy, productive summer for #TeamLondon! 👨‍🔧👩‍🏭💪 They’ve been building their anaerobic digester at @rurban_poplar_london together with volunteers and participants of @publicworks_uk School for Civic Action. There was lots to do: installing solar panels, assembling a solar water heater, building a gasometer, and even creating a moss wall prototype! Well done!⠀ #urbanchange #circulareconomy #civicaction #prototypesforaction #poplar #greenbuilding