Hamburg, Kherson, Vilnius: Reclaiming old spaces for new experiments

Walking the streets and green corridors of East Hamburg on a beautiful spring day… experiencing the city with all of our senses. 🙈👂🏽👃🏾
Thank you @halllohalllohalllo for guiding us and @panosgeorgiou for the photos!
#urbanchange #citymakers #placemaking #publicspaces #citiesforpeople #greencities #Hamburg #walkability #greencorridors #urbanplanning
Sebastian and Naomi were just in #Hamburg on a (not so) secret mission. Great things are in the works and we’re excited to explore with @halllohalllohalllo and @kreativgesellschaft and Kraftwerk Bille to see what can happen in this space!⠀
#actorsonthemove #urbanchange #teamhamburg #hamburg #kraftwerkbille #hallofestspiele #creativespaces #postindustrialspaces #placemaking
Finished project
Creating a center for active citizenship, city-shaping and diverse encounters through arts and culture
#teamhamburg & @halllohalllohalllo are getting ready for their festival, Hallo: Festspiele in two weeks! They are building a pontoon made from containers on the waterfront of the Bille power plant @kraftwerk_bille – this year‘s edition of the festival deals with the water as a space of opportunity, and seeks to transform it from a social void into a public space. Go check them out! 💦🚤 #urbanism #urbanintervention #publicspace #hamburg #hallofestspiele #urbanchange