When #TeamKherson makes fun of all the green vegan food in our meetings… 🥦😂 // 🎇It’s been yet another amazing year of co-creating our cities together!⠀
We’re very grateful for all of the moments we got to share with our Actors of Urban Change in 2019. Here’s a collection of some of our favorite moments together: from London to Rijeka, Hamburg to Budapest, and everywhere in between — it has been a delight to see our network of urban changemakers grow, connect and create more than ever before to improve life in our cities.✨⠀
Photo by the fantastic @panosgeorgiou⠀
#urbanchange #actorsofurbanchange #urbanism #placemaking #citiesforpeople #citymakers #changemakers #greencities #citychangers #wemakethecity #sustainablecities #stadtfueralle #righttothecity #cocreation #cities #activecitizens #activecitizenship