We hope your 2020 is off to a great start! May the seeds you planted last year take root 🌱and your projects grow and flourish this year… 🌳⠀
Laura from #TeamOslo demonstrates it during our meeting in Hamburg last year. 😉⠀
Photo by @panosgeorgiou⠀
#urbanchange #actorsofurbanchange #activecitizenship #cocreation #inspiration #resolutions #collaboration #reflection #teamwork #facilitation
Designing for Wellbeing Why nature matters in human-centric urban planning
When actors of urban change visit each other and then magic happens… 😍⠀
Paco’s Pop-Up Café was a spontaneous street placemaking experiment as Paco & Oscar from #TeamValencia visited @nabolagshager and #TeamOslo on a lovely late summer day. The free café was set up in front of a school and was a big hit with passers-by, with delicious Mexican food, games, and good stories from neighbors, teachers and students. So glad our program brought them together and the synergies continue beyond their original projects! ✨⠀
#urbanchange #actorsofurbanchange #urbanism #placemaking #citiesforpeople #citymakers #changemakers #greencities #citychangers #wemakethecity #sustainablecities #stadtfueralle #righttothecity #europe #eurocities #smartcities #cocreation #cities #activecitizens #activecitizenship #citytoolbox #mitost #robertboschstiftung #oslo #valencia #streetfood
We‘re visiting #TeamOslo and their circus garden party today! Throughout the summer, the team worked with youth from the Grønland neighborhood, giving them summer jobs to plant and care for their #urbangarden – this is their end-of-summer celebration together with partners, neighbors and the whole community! The children are laughing and having a grand time 😃🎪🎯🤹🏼♂️🌱