Illustration: Kati Szilágyi


When actors of urban change visit each other and then magic happens… 😍⠀
Paco’s Pop-Up Café was a spontaneous street placemaking experiment as Paco & Oscar from #TeamValencia visited @nabolagshager and #TeamOslo on a lovely late summer day. The free café was set up in front of a school and was a big hit with passers-by, with delicious Mexican food, games, and good stories from neighbors, teachers and students. So glad our program brought them together and the synergies continue beyond their original projects! ✨⠀
#urbanchange #actorsofurbanchange #urbanism #placemaking #citiesforpeople #citymakers #changemakers #greencities #citychangers #wemakethecity #sustainablecities #stadtfueralle #righttothecity #europe #eurocities #smartcities #cocreation #cities #activecitizens #activecitizenship #citytoolbox #mitost #robertboschstiftung #oslo #valencia #streetfood

#TeamValencia recently cooked with Aissa, Fatu, and a group of around 15 women from the Association of African Women of Paterna and the Valencian Community. As they cooked, they interviewed the women about the ingredients, preparation methods, and the meaning behind the dishes. Aissa fascinated the team with her story about how she has managed to organize this group of Muslim women around gardening and cooking. They then shared the meal in a celebration with music and many children. The story and the group of women will be protagonists in Team Valencia’s Gastronomic Guide to the Migrant Valencia, which they hope will highlight the food culture of the city’s immigrants and support their local businesses. Photos by Maria Sainz Arandia⠀
#urbanchange #diversecities #inclusion #foodculture